Sunday, September 12, 2010


Multiple Choice Quiz

Module 9: Human Factors

1) Motor programmes are behaviour subroutines
2) "Risky Shift" is a tendency to take more risky decission in a group
3) During visual scanning the eye movement should be small and frequent
4) The amount of stress experienced with a particular task is dependent
on the perceived demand and perceived ability
5) An excessive noise level would increase performance never

1) The cycle REM sleep and stages 1-4 sleep
occurs about every 90 minutes
2) The alerting system for an important system failure should
be a flashing visual signal, preferably red
3) One of the main problems encountered when using a routine check list is
that individual responses may become automatic rather than diligent
4) Long shift work will decrease your maintenance ability
5) If a person is colour blind which colours would be most difficult to see red and green

1) phase 3 and 4 sleep is most beneficial for the bodies recovery
2) Human error is due to low body temperature
3) In a discussion the person who is most likely to be agreed with
is the person w ith highest status
4) after a long night shift what meal is most
recommended one in high carbohydrates (to increase sugar level)
5) Long shift work will decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability

1) A good scan is best achieved by frequent and small eye movement
2) Stress is caused by the perceived ability is insufficient to cope with the perceived demand
3) A major source of error using checklists is they may be responded to automatically
4) Detail is best sensed by the........and movement best sensed by the
...... the fovea & the periphery
5) Stress management is coping with the stress

1) Skill based behaviour is associated with motor programme
2) Rule based behaviours are stored in the long term memory
3) an individual is likely to comply with a decision made by someone of greater status
4) to minimize the chances of heart disease, it is recommended that a minimum amount of exercise
should be 3 times a w eek with the heart rate doubling the normal rate for at least 20 minutes
5) Stress in an individual is largely dependent on evaluation of ability and the demands placed on it.

1) Conductive deafness can be caused by damage to the Cochlea
2) Information on drugs and alcohol can be found in AWN 47
3) 70-80 % of the total focusing ability of the eye is carried out by the corne
4) After general anaesthetic you
should you must not return to work for at least 24 to 48 hours (w hich w ill depend on the individual)
5) Your doctor has prescribed you tranquillisers as you are suffering from a fit what should you
do. should not work when taking them.

1) The pupil of the eye grows smaller In conditions of increased light
2) The area of the brain which interprets information from the eyes is known as:
the visual cortex
3) peripheral vision is obtained by the part of the eye known as the rods
4) Information in the short term memory must be actively rehearsed to ensure long term retention
5) Following consumption of alcohol is safe to fly or work on
aircraft at a time after the last drink dependent on the amount of alcohol

1) during visual scanning the eye movement should be small and frequent
2) the amount of stress experienced with a particular task is dependent on
the perceived demand and perceived ability
3) The cycle of REM sleep and stage 1-4 sleep
occurs about every 90 minutes
4) The alerting system for an important system failure should
be; a flashing visual signal, preferably red
5) One of the main problems encountered when using a routine check list is
that individual responses may become automatic rather than diligent

1) An excessive noise level would increase performance never
2) Long and short sightedness is caused by distortion of eye ball
3) The cycle of REM sleep and stage 1-4 sleep
occurs about every 90 minutes
4) The alerting system for an important system failure should
be a flashing visual signal, preferably red
5) After dental treatment involving anaesthetic a pilot should not fly for a period
of 24 hours

1) The part of retina which has the highest visual acuity is the fovea
2) The effect of smoking 20 cigarettes a day is to increase the apparent ambient pressure by 5 to 6 thousand feet
3) The composition of the atmosphere at sea level is 78% Nitrogen, 21 % oxygen, 1% other gases
remain constant up to about 70 000 feet
4) The capacity of the working memory may be expanded by chunking the information
5) The heart muscle requires its own blood supply. This is provided by the coronary arteries

1) Raised blood pressure (hypertension) is the main risk factor in the development of
2) A man is considered to be obese if his body mass index is over 30
3) The major factor in the general population which predisposes to heart attack
is family history
4) Loss of hearing due to damage in the eardrum or auditory is known
as conductive deafness
5) the physiological response to high level of stress
are sw eating, dryness of the mouth, breathing difficulties

1) The working memory is limited in its capacity to store unrelated items. The number of such items
which may be stored with full retention is 7 +/-2
2) If information in the working memory is not rehearsed it will be lost in 10 to 20 seconds
3) Anthropometry is the study of human measurements
4) In the event of rapid decompression, the venturi effect may lead
to The cabin altitude being at a greater altitude than the aircraft altitude
5) Sinuses in the skull are required To make the skull lighter and the voice resonant

1) Red blood cells are produced in the body by the bone marrow
2) The function of nasal passage are
to filter warm and humidify air drawn in during inspiration
3) A person who has been SCUBA diving should avoid
flying with 12 hours or 24 hours if a depth of 30 feet has been exceeded
4) The composition of the atmosphere from sea level to about 70 000 ft retains proportions
of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 1% other gases
5) Oxygen is required by the human body
to derive energy from food by chemical oxidation

1) Gas exchange between the air and blood takes place
Between the interior of the alveoli and the capillaries on the alveoli
2) Oxygen is transported in the blood in combination w ith haemoglobin in the red blood cell
3) An individual who is short of oxygen may try to compensate by increasing the rate and depth of
breathing. This process is called hyperventilation
4) strengthening and organizing the human memory when learning new tasks is believed to occur
in REM sleep
5) The area on the retina where the optic nerve receives all the information from the nerves of the
retina is the blind spot

1) The eye adjusts to changing light intensities by varying the diameter of the iris. This can reduce the
amount of light on the retina by a factor of; 5 : 1
2) The ideal behaviour of a professional aircraft engineer both person and goal directed
3) Decisions made by a group are
generally better in quality than the average decisions made by the individual group members
4) Which of the following personality would be the most likely to have an accident through
risks anxious extrovert
5) The lower threshold of noise that will cause permanent 90db

1) The part of the eye most responsible for focusing an image on the retina is
the cornea
2) Myopia is ..... and a ...... lens is needed to correct it short sightedness & concave
3) The factor which contributes most in assessing an individual’s risk of developing artiery disease
is family history
4) Amnesia tends to affect episodic memory
5) As we get older our response to generally tends to become slow er and more accurate

1) Absenteeism is an extreme form of the stress coping strategy known as action coping
2) During a typical nights sleep most time is spent in which stage of sleep 3 & 4
3) The sleep cycle of REM and stage 1-4 sleep repeats during the night approximately
every 90 minutes
4) The best visual scan pattern to enable maximum information to be obtained is
Achieved making as many movement as possible
5) The most common cause of focusing problems for people with uncorrected vision
is an elongated eye

1) The maximum duration for which visual and sensory memory can store information is
approximately 1 seconds
2) Risky shift is the name given to the occasion when
an individual member of the group is persuaded by the group to make a more risky decision than he w ould have made alone
3) The behaviour pattern used to carry out procedure such as an ultra NDT check is
a rule based procedure
4) Stress management programme involves none of the above
5) The extent of damage suffered by an ear following exposure to loud noise is dependent
upon the intensity and duration

1) The ability to hear your name mentioned while concentrating on another task is known as
the cocktail party effect
2) Physical and visual stimuli are stored in short term memory
3) A domestic problem will affect concentration and decision making abilities
4) The credit and debit system for measuring sleep/wake cycles
allocates 1 points for sleep 2 point awake
5) The circadian rhythm exhibits an uncontrolled 25 hours

1) a group is more likely to be riskier than that of an individual
2) The iconic memory, the visual store of short term memory, will hold information for
½ to 1 seconds
3) A unit of alcohol is equivalent to half pint of beer or a standard glass of wine or measure of spirit.
After two or three units of alcohol in an evening the affect on sleep will be loss of REM sleep
4) The part the eye which bends most light is the cornea
5) Of the following the risk factors which are associated with
coronary smoking

1) An attention mechanism is required in the human information processing sequence because
working memory and processing capacity is limited
2) A motor programme is learned behaviour not requiring conscious thought
3) Before making a non-urgent decision a good leader
should encourage suggestions before stating his own opinion
4) If during an engine ground run you experience a fire, and you carry out the required drill, you
exhibit rule based behaviour
5) slow wave sleep restores the body and occurs early in the sleep period

1) the carbon dioxide is transported in the human body by the blood
in slution as carbonic acid
2) a unit of alcohol is equivalent to a half pint of beer or a standard glass of wine or measure of spirit.
In excess or 21 units for a male or 14 units for a female will damage vital organs if consumed regularly
in a period of 1 week
3) The group decision is .... than are made by an individual and ... extreme which of the following fills
the blanks correctly better & more
4) The rate and depth of breathing is normally related to
the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood and lungs
5) Taking alcohol before sleep has an effect upon sleep
pattern reduces REM sleep and induces early waking

1) in the dimension of personality a changeable aggressive is an anxious extrovert
2) In the eye details is seen best by .......and movement...... which of the following corretly substitutes
the missing words the fovea & the periphery.
3) Which of the following events will cause an individual the most stress breavement of a partner
4) Our model of the world is based upon sensual perception and past experience
5) What is the most common cause of long or short sight shape of the eye ball

1) The body removes alcohol from the system at 1 to1.5 units per hour. What is the minimum time
that total abstinence should be observed by a Prudent pilot flying 24 hours
2) The long term memory can be classified as two types ‘semantic and episodic’
semantic’ is more accurate and longer lasting then ‘episodic’
3) The relative stimulation and responses of the brain to stimuli from the senses varies. Which of the
following is
true visual stimuli attract attention slower than auditory but result in a more accurate response
4) stress can have a positive effect on ability
5) stress management consist of isolating the stressor and evolving a coping strategy

1) A consumption of Alcohol above the following level can cause permanent damage in the body of
male 5 units daily/21 units a week
2) Skin contact with aviation fuels should be immediately treated by
copious washing of the skin with cold water only
3) At the fovea resolving power rapidly decreases a small number of degrees from its centre
4) Conductive deafness can be caused by damage to the ossicles
5) 70-80 % of the total focusing of the eye is carried out by the cornea

1) A good scan is best achieved by frequent and small eye movement
2) Stress is caused by the perceived ability is insufficient to cope with the perceived demand
3) A major source of error using checklists is they may be responded to automatically
4) Detail is best sensed by the ......... and movement best sensed by the
........ the fovea & the periphery
5) Echoic memory is the ......... sensory store and last for ..... whereas Iconic memory is the ......sensory
store and last for auditory & 2-8 seconds & visual & 0.5-1 second

1) The affliction, which causes the greatest number of deaths in the world each year is
2) Symptoms directed coping of stress is achieved by taking cup of coffee
3) The most common cause of myopia is an elongated eyeball
4) what light sensitive cells are on the fovea? cones only
5) The automatic phase of a motor programme may revert ....... phase when stress is
introduced. associative

1) Skill based behaviour is associated with motor programme
2) Personality is resistant to change
3) The light sensitive cells on the optic nerve are none
4) The Otoliths detect linear acceleration
5) Counselling is a tool that can be used to cope with stress. It is a form of: symptom directed coping

1) The normal recovery for Circadian daysrhythmia is at a rate of 1.5 hours a day
2) Clinical insomnia can be caused by caffeine
3) In treating hyperventilation the patient should be made to breathe slowly and deeply
4) Rule based behaviours are stored in the long term memory
5) If REM sleep is insufficient it will be made up during the following night’s sleep

1) The most reliable sense for spatial orientation is vision
2) selective attention is another name for cocktail party effect
3) an individual is likely to comply with a decision made by someone of greater status
4) to minimize the chances of heart disease, it is recommended that a minimum amount of exercise
should be 3 times a w eek with the heart rate doubling the normal rate for at least 20 minutes
5) Having attained night adaptation, maximum visual acuity is achieved by
looking slightly to one side

1) For a person suffering from short-sightedness, close objects are seen ....... and distant objects are
seen........ in focus & out of focus
2) Linear acceleration is sensed by the otholiths
3) The normal response time is 200 milliseconds
4) Which of the following is
true episodic memory can be influenced by expectations as to what should have happened
5) Stress in an individual is largely dependent on evaluation of ability and the demands placed on it

1) Conductive deafness can be caused by damage to the Cochlea
2) Most of the time of a typical sleep is spent in stage 2 sleep
3) The shape of graph when stress is plotted against performance could be described
as a inverted curve
4) One unit of alcohol is approximately half pint of beer or one standard glass of wine or spirits
5) It is generally true that decision is reached by a group is ........... than the average decision made by
an individual within that group better

1) The nose filters, warms and moistens the air into the lungs
2) Alcohol is broken down by the body at an approximate rate of 1 unit per hour
3) The maximum number of sleep credits which can be obtained is 16
4) Accident and engineering faults are significant and increasing
5) Information on drugs and alcohol can be found in AWN 47

1) 70-80 % of the total focusing ability of the eye is carried out by the cornea
2) At what distance should a person without hearing difficulties be able to hear an average
conversational voice in a quiet room 2 metres (6feet)
3) If you have been prescribed new medication by your doctor you
should give the new medication a 24 hours trial
4) After general anesthetic you
should you must not return to w ork for at least 24 to 48 hours
5) Your doctor has prescribed you tranquillisers as you are suffering from a fit what should you
do should not work when taking them

1) The use of ‘pep’ pills by an aircraft engineer
should never be taken as coffee is the only stimulant permitted
2) You are taking ‘SUDAFED’ because you are require relief from nasal congestion
you must avoid making engineering decisions or performing licenced duties
3) A perforated ear drum could occur if you were subjected to continuous noise below 8 KHz
4) How long is short term memory valid for after memorizing seven items up to 30 seconds
5) What is peer group pressure
in certain situation are reactions are influenced by the group, this is sometimes against our better judgement

1) What is white finger
a disorder of the finger which may occur through continuous use of pneumatic tools because of reduced blood flow
2) What is slow wave sleep stage 3 and 4
3) What constitutes a good hand over written plus verbal
4) Consequences of environmental stress could result from noise, fumes, heat and vibration
5) The regular behaviour of an individual is habit

1) phase 3 and 4 sleep is most beneficial for the bodies recovery
2) Human error is due to low body temperature
3) In a discussion the person who is most likely to be agreed with
is the person w ith highest status
4) after a long night shift what meal is most
recommended one in high carbohydrates (to increase sugar level)
5) Long shift work will decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability

1) How does a company best facilitate a shift hand over
every individual from the on coming shift must get a personal handover of the job they taking over
2) When someone is working in an enclosed space
they require extra supervision and better communication to increase the safety aspect
3) an engineer who has developed his own way of performing a difficult
task is in regular violation
4) The circadian cycle body temperature vary by 1.5 degrees F
5) If a person is colour blind which colours would be most difficult to see? red and green

1) When eye defect has been corrected by glasses or contact lenses, what is an acceptable value
an acceptable level of vision should be restored
2) Long shift work will decrease your maintenance ability
3) what is the recommended time for a pilot to wait after drinking alcohol before reporting for
duty 24 hours
4) The circadian cycle body temperature vary by 1.5 degrees F
5) If a person is colour blind which colours would be most difficult to see? red and green

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